Sunday, December 09, 2007

Rough winter again

Here's another photo from our last snowfall, and then it snowed again today! I'm not sure what's going on, but this is not the Seattle weather I remember. We've lost our power twice in one week, too. Griffin doesn't seem to care, he gets to carry around a light stick or a flashlight when the lights go out. Cheap fun!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Inspired by Griffin's new cousin

Since Jen has started a blog for the new baby (who hasn't arrived yet but already has a blog!) I feel like we should update the Grifflog to keep up. To start, here's a photo of him from a month or so ago. He just looks so much older in this particular photo!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Snow Again!

Can we just get a break from this weather already? No school again today, our fourth day this year between the last snowstorm and the windstorm.

Originally uploaded by joannacf.

Christmas Night

This is where we spent Christmas night - if you can't tell, we're in a hospital room at Children's Hospital. Griffin tripped and hit his head and needed to be checked out.

After a couple of hours and some glue, his head was almost as good as new. The bottom photo is one from a day ago, showing the mark that remains for now. We'll hope it will fade, but it will always be a reminder of Griffin's second Christmas!